NOAA 2017 Sea Level Rise Predictions


In 2017 the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) released an update of their sea level rise predictions with the mean sea level in the “worst case” 2100 scenario increased to 2m. This is an increase of over 1m above the various State Government planning requirements for 2100:

  • VIC 0.8m (Victorian Coastal Strategy, 2014)

  • NSW each Council decides their own levels.

  • QLD 0.8m (QLD Government, 2018)

  • WA 0.9m for 2110 (WA Government)

  • TAS 0.81-0.92 (TAS Government)

  • NT non defined.

The impacts of a 1m (double) increase in project sea level rise above current 2100 planning guidelines would be catastrophic. Incorporating these new projections into analysis undertaken by OMCN means that all our clients will be up to date with the science and not relying on notoriously sluggish bureaucratic systems to provide them with this valuable information.


A Brief Summary of Climate Change


Working with Nature to Protect the Coast